This gas can costs 8 bucks online http://www.drillspot.com/products/573120/midwest_can_company_2300_2gal6oz_red_plasgascan so I recommend not giving your patronage to Shell to protest this outrage.
I was there to grab a coke. Those are priced the same as everywhere else, because we'd never put up with paying 2wice the normal price for a Coke, we aren't desperate for a 200%marked up Coke.
Hope you don't mind me venting, I'll have something entertaining posted soon, but every now and then a public service message to help you all out is not a bad thing.
Instead of paying 15 for the gas can, and then 30 cents a gallon more than all the other gas stations in town that aren't located next to the airport, car a friend for help. Your friends like to help you out when you are in a jam, and you'd like to owe them a favor anyway.